I started a weekly newsletter
In case you haven’t noticed I’ve started a weekly newsletter. It was a much requested item that was on my ‘todo’ list. I’m ashamed to say that it goes back to the time that Google Reader was discontinued and people asked for a possibility to receive links & posts via email. The truth is that I never got around to it.
Be inspired and learn
Like I mentioned in the intro, it’s a weekly newsletter that goes out on Friday. It features a few items from the inspiration stream, design resources/ tutorials and the CSS/HTML links I learn from. There’s also a weekly color palette suggestion and a design resource recommendation. Usually something I bought myself. On many occasions you’ll also get an exclusive insight on what I’m working on or the struggle I’m having with a certain aspect of a project. I put my heart and soul into it to make sure it’s all worth while of your precious time.
A bonus when you subscribe
When you subscribe now there’s a nice 6 page PDF filled with some of the best Photoshop Layer tips and tricks. It’s opt-in, so you’ll have to confirm your subscription. Be sure to watch your inbox for that text email first. After you received that one, you’ll get another email that has the download link to the PDF. Hopefully you’ll join my little community.