Maria Smith Thank you! :) For this project it was 1400 px for the desktop version using 1200 for the content page layout. Though, I now use 2800 px instead since I work on a Retina display. Then for tablet I go for 1024 px (or sometimes 1536 px, this matches a retina iPad 3 and 4), and for smartphone 640 px (or 750 px to match my iPhone 6). The values are of course guidelines top show a layout at a certain window width. The actual breakpoints can vary depending on how the layout should flow. For example: the length of the topbar menu items. If I need to add a menu item in a later stage, it’ll need to change into this collapsable menu way sooner. I also use Photoshop’s ‘Device Preview’ feature to preview my design and to check if the icons are big enough, everything is tappable, text legible enough etc.